Async and Await in Rust


What is Async Programming? 

Imagine you’re at a restaurant. Instead of waiting idly for your food, you browse your phone  while the chef cooks. That’s asynchronous programming – doing other things while waiting for something to finish! 

In Rust, async programming allows you to write non-blocking code, making your programs more efficient!

Declaring an Async Function 

Rust provides the async keyword to define asynchronous functions.

async fn hello_async() {
    println!("Hello from async function!");

 Adding async before fn makes the function return a Future instead of executing immediately.

BUT WAIT! Async functions don’t run by themselves – you need an executor

Running an Async Function 

To actually execute an async function, use .await inside an async runtime like tokio or async-std.

use tokio::main;

async fn main() {

 #[tokio::main] provides an async runtime.  .await tells Rust to pause execution until hello_async is done.

Async with Return Values 

Async functions can return values wrapped in Future<T>.

async fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

async fn main() {
    let sum = add(3, 5).await;
    println!("Sum: {}", sum);

 .await unwraps the Future<i32> into an i32.

Parallel Async Execution

Multiple async tasks can run concurrently!

use tokio::task;

async fn main() {
    let task1 = task::spawn(async {
        println!("Task 1 running!");
    let task2 = task::spawn(async {
        println!("Task 2 running!");

 task::spawn runs tasks in parallelawait.unwrap() ensures tasks complete.

When to Use Async? 

 When dealing with I/O-bound tasks (e.g., networking, file I/O).  When performance is crucial – avoiding thread blocking!  When you need efficient resource utilization.

But beware! Async Rust is not magic – it requires an executor and careful handling of lifetimes! 

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