Create a user table with sequelize


import {Sequelize} from "sequelize";
import db from "../config/Database.js";

const{DataTypes} = Sequelize;

const Users = db.define('users', {}, {
freezeTableName : true

export default Users;


The provided code is part of a model in Sequelize, which is an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) for Node.js used to interact with SQL databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and others. Below is a detailed explanation:

1. Importing Required Modules

import { Sequelize } from "sequelize";
import db from "../config/Database.js";
  • import { Sequelize } from "sequelize";
    • Imports the Sequelize object from the sequelize module, which is an ORM library for Node.js.
  • import db from "../config/Database.js";
    • Imports the database configuration from the Database.js file. This file usually contains the database connection initialization using Sequelize.

2. Extracting DataTypes from Sequelize

const { DataTypes } = Sequelize;
  • DataTypes is a built-in object in Sequelize that provides various data types that can be used in the model. Commonly used data types include:
    • DataTypes.STRING → for storing text
    • DataTypes.INTEGER → for integer numbers
    • DataTypes.BOOLEAN → for true/false values
    • DataTypes.DATE → for date and time values

3. Defining the Users Model

const Users = db.define('users', {}, {
    freezeTableName : true
  • db.define('users', {}, {...}):

    • Used to define the Users model, which will be linked to the users table in the database.
    • The first argument 'users' is the table name that will be used in the database.
    • The second argument {} is an empty object, which should contain the column schema, but in this case, no columns are defined.
    • The third argument is a configuration object that contains additional options.
  • freezeTableName: true:

    • Optional but important. Enabling this option prevents Sequelize from automatically changing the table name (e.g., by pluralizing it).
    • Example: Without freezeTableName: true, if we define 'user', Sequelize would automatically rename it to 'users'.

4. Exporting the Model

export default Users;
  • Exports the Users model so it can be used in other files within the project.


This code defines the Users model using Sequelize, but it does not include a clear column schema. To create a more functional model, it's best to add column properties like this:

More Complete Code:

import { Sequelize } from "sequelize";
import db from "../config/Database.js";

const { DataTypes } = Sequelize;

const Users = db.define('users', {
    id: {
        type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
        primaryKey: true,
        autoIncrement: true
    name: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
        allowNull: false
    email: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
        allowNull: false,
        unique: true
    password: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
        allowNull: false
}, {
    freezeTableName: true

export default Users;

Additional Explanation

  • Added attributes to the model (id, name, email, password).
  • Defined primaryKey, autoIncrement, allowNull, and unique to ensure better validation.
  • Kept freezeTableName: true enabled, so Sequelize does not automatically rename the table.

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