Dictionaries in Python


A dictionary in Python is a collection of key-value pairs. Think of it as a real dictionary —you look up a word (key) to get its definition (value)!

Why Use Dictionaries?

  • Fast lookups 
  • Stores data in key-value pairs 
  • Flexible and easy to use 

Creating a Dictionary

Dictionaries are created using curly brackets {}.

dog = {"name": "Buddy", "age": 3, "breed": "Golden Retriever"}
print(dog)  # Outputs: {'name': 'Buddy', 'age': 3, 'breed': 'Golden Retriever'}

Accessing Values

Use the key to access a value.

print(dog["name"])  # Outputs: Buddy

Adding and Modifying Items

Dictionaries are mutable, so you can modify them!

dog["color"] = "golden"  # Adds a new key-value pair
dog["age"] = 4  # Modifies an existing value

Removing Items 

Use del, .pop(), or .popitem().

del dog["breed"]  # Removes 'breed'
age = dog.pop("age")  # Removes and returns 'age'

Looping Through a Dictionary 

You can loop through keys, values, or both!

for key, value in dog.items():
    print(f"{key}: {value}")

Dictionary Methods

keys() – Get all keys:

print(dog.keys())  # Outputs: dict_keys(['name', 'color'])

values() – Get all values:

print(dog.values())  # Outputs: dict_values(['Buddy', 'golden'])

items() – Get all key-value pairs:



Concept Description
Dictionary A collection of key-value pairs
Mutable Can be modified after creation
Methods .keys(), .values(), .items(), .pop()


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