Function Definition in Python


What is a Function? 

A function in Python is like a magic spell —you say a name, and it performs an action! Functions help us organize code, avoid repetition, and make programs easier to read.

Why Use Functions? 

  • Reuse code instead of writing it multiple times 
  • Make code cleaner and more readable 
  • Improve debugging by isolating logic 

Defining a Function 

To define a function, use the def keyword, followed by a function name and parentheses ().

def greet():
    print("Hello, Pythonista!")

Real-life Example:

  • Imagine a robot waiter  that greets every customer at a restaurant.
def greet_customer():
    print("Welcome to Python Café! ")

greet_customer()  # Calling the function!

Functions with Parameters 

Functions can take inputs (called parameters) to work with different data.

def greet(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

greet("Alice")  # Outputs: Hello, Alice! 
greet("Bob")    # Outputs: Hello, Bob! 

Real-life Example:

  • Imagine a ticket machine  that prints a personalized welcome message.
def print_ticket(name, movie):
    print(f"Here's your ticket, {name}, for {movie}!")

print_ticket("Jake", "Avengers")
print_ticket("Lily", "Inception")

Returning Values 

Functions can return a value using the return keyword.

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

result = add(5, 3)
print(result)  # Outputs: 8

Real-life Example:

  • A calculator that adds two numbers for you! 
def calculate_total(price, tax):
    return price + (price * tax)

bill = calculate_total(100, 0.1)  # Adds 10% tax
print(f"Total bill: ${bill}")

Default Parameters 

You can set default values for parameters in case they're not provided.

def greet(name="Guest"):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

greet()  # Outputs: Hello, Guest! 
greet("Sophia")  # Outputs: Hello, Sophia! 


Feature Description
def Used to define a function
Parameters Allow functions to take input values
return Sends back a result from a function
Default Parameters Provide fallback values if no argument is given

Now go and create your own Python magic spells with functions! 


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