Logical Operators in Python


What are Logical Operators? 

Logical operators in Python allow you to combine multiple conditions and make smarter decisions in your code! Think of them as the brain  of your program—they help you decide what happens next!

Python has three logical operators:

Operator Meaning Example
and True if both conditions are true True and False → False
or True if at least one condition is true True or False → True
not Reverses the condition not True → False

The and Operator 

and returns True only if both conditions are True.

x = 10
y = 5
print(x > 5 and y < 10)  # True (both conditions are true)
print(x > 15 and y < 10) # False (one condition is false)

🎭 Real-life Example:

  • If you have money AND the store is open, you can buy candy!
has_money = True
store_open = False

if has_money and store_open:
    print("You can buy candy!")
    print("No candy for you!")

The or Operator 

or returns True if at least one condition is True.

x = 10
y = 5
print(x > 5 or y > 10)  # True (one condition is true)
print(x > 15 or y > 10) # False (both are false)

Real-life Example:

  • If it’s Saturday OR Sunday, you don’t have to go to work!
day = "Sunday"
if day == "Saturday" or day == "Sunday":
    print("It's the weekend!")
    print("Back to work... ")

The not Operator 

not reverses the condition (True becomes False, and vice versa).

x = True
y = False
print(not x)  # False
print(not y)  # True

Real-life Example:

  • If you’re NOT hungry, you won’t eat.
hungry = False
if not hungry:
    print("No food for me!")
    print("Feed me!")

Combining Logical Operators 

You can mix and, or, and not together for complex conditions!

x = 10
y = 5
z = 20

print((x > 5 and y < 10) or z == 25)  # True (first part is True)
print(not (x > 5 and y < 10))         # False (negating True)

Order of Operations:

  1. not is evaluated first.
  2. and is evaluated second.
  3. or is evaluated last.

Use parentheses () to control the order and avoid confusion!


Operator Meaning Example
and True if both conditions are True True and False → False
or True if at least one condition is True True or False → True
not Reverses the condition not True → False

Now you're a master of logical operations! Time to write some smart Python code


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