Mutability and Constants - Rust


Mutability: When Rust Plays Hard to Get 

In Rust, variables are immutable by default. That means once you assign a value, it's set in stone—unless you specifically ask Rust for permission to change it. This is like Rust saying, "I care about your safety!" 

1. Immutable Variables 

By default, variables in Rust cannot be changed after they're assigned.

fn main() {
    let name = "Rustacean";
    name = "Crab Coder"; //  ERROR: Cannot assign twice to immutable variable
    println!("Hello, {}!", name);

Boom! Rust yells at you. But don’t worry, it’s just looking out for you. 

2. Making Variables Mutable 

If you really need to modify a variable, you can use mut:

fn main() {
    let mut age = 25;
    age += 1;
    println!("Happy Birthday! You are now {} years old!", age);

Now Rust is happy, and so is your ever-growing age! 

Constants: The VIP of Rust 

Unlike variables, constants are always immutable and must have their type explicitly declared. Also, they follow SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE by convention.

1. Declaring a Constant 

const PI: f64 = 3.14159;

fn main() {
    println!("The value of PI is {}", PI);

Unlike let, constants are always immutable, and they must be assigned a constant expression (not a computed value at runtime!).

2. Why Use Constants? 

  • They cannot be changed after compilation.
  • They exist globally throughout the program.
  • They make your code more readable and efficient.

3. Differences Between const and let

Feature const let
Mutability Always immutable Mutable with mut
Type Must be explicitly declared Can be inferred
Scope Accessible anywhere Scoped where declared
Computation Only compile-time values Can use runtime expressions

Example of what not to do:

fn main() {
    const ERROR: i32 = some_function(); // ERROR: Constants require a constant value

fn some_function() -> i32 {

Wrapping Up 

Rust loves safety, and that’s why variables are immutable by default. If you want to change a value, use mut. If you need a true constant, use const. Now go forth and write safer, cleaner Rust code!

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