Operators in Golang (The Math and Logic Gymnastics!)

Go (or Golang, if you want to sound extra techy) comes packed with operators—the little symbols that make your code do math, comparisons, and other fun tricks. Think of them as Go’s way of flexing its muscles!

What Are Operators?

Operators are special symbols that perform operations on variables and values. They help Go do basic arithmetic, logical evaluations, and even some fancy bit manipulation (for the real coding wizards out there).

1. Arithmetic Operators (Math, But Make It Code!)

These operators handle basic math operations like a calculator that never runs out of batteries:

Operator Description Example
+ Addition a + b
- Subtraction a - b
* Multiplication a * b
/ Division a / b
% Modulus (Remainder) a % b


x := 10
y := 3
fmt.Println("Sum:", x + y)  // 13
fmt.Println("Remainder:", x % y)  // 1

2. Assignment Operators (Giving Values Like a Boss)

Assignment operators let you assign values to variables, because Go can’t read your mind (yet!).

Operator Description Example
= Assigns a value x = 10
+= Adds and assigns x += 5 (same as x = x + 5)
-= Subtracts and assigns x -= 3
*= Multiplies and assigns x *= 2
/= Divides and assigns x /= 2


x := 5
x += 3  // Now x is 8

3. Comparison Operators (Go is a Judgy Language!)

Go likes to compare things, and these operators help:

Operator Description Example
== Equal to x == y
!= Not equal to x != y
> Greater than x > y
< Less than x < y
>= Greater or equal x >= y
<= Less or equal x <= y


fmt.Println(5 > 3)  // true
fmt.Println(10 == 20)  // false

4. Logical Operators (The Truth-Tellers)

These operators help Go make logical decisions—like whether it’s time for a coffee break.

Operator Description Example
&& Logical AND (x > 5) && (y < 10)
! Logical NOT !(x > 5)


fmt.Println(true && false)  // false
fmt.Println(true || false)  // true
fmt.Println(!true)  // false

5. Bitwise Operators (For the Hardcore Geeks)

Bitwise operators work at the binary level. If you don’t know binary, don’t worry—it’s just 1s and 0s being dramatic.

Operator Description Example
& AND a & b
` ` OR
^ XOR a ^ b
<< Left shift a << 2
>> Right shift a >> 2


x := 5  // 101 in binary
y := 3  // 011 in binary
fmt.Println(x & y)  // 1 (001 in binary)

Operators in Go make your code powerful. Whether you’re doing math, making decisions, or manipulating bits like a hacker in a movie, mastering these operators will make you a true Go ninja. Now, go forth and operate! 

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