Parameters and Arguments in Python


What are Parameters and Arguments? 

When defining and calling functions in Python, parameters and arguments help us pass information into our functions. Think of them as the ingredients in a recipe! 🍽️

What's the Difference?

Term Definition
Parameter A variable inside the function definition (acts as a placeholder)
Argument The actual value passed when calling the function

Defining Parameters 

When creating a function, you can define parameters inside parentheses ().

def greet(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

Here, name is a parameter.

Passing Arguments 

When calling a function, you provide arguments to replace the parameters.

greet("Alice")  # Outputs: Hello, Alice!
greet("Bob")    # Outputs: Hello, Bob!

Now, "Alice" and "Bob" are arguments.

Multiple Parameters 

A function can take multiple parameters separated by commas.

def introduce(name, age):
    print(f"Hi, I'm {name} and I'm {age} years old!")

introduce("Charlie", 25)
introduce("Daisy", 30)

Default Parameters 

You can provide default values for parameters in case they are not specified.

def greet(name="Guest"):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

greet()  # Outputs: Hello, Guest! 
greet("Sophia")  # Outputs: Hello, Sophia! 

Keyword Arguments 

You can specify arguments by name when calling a function.

def order(food, drink):
    print(f"You ordered {food} with {drink}.")

order(drink="Cola", food="Burger")

This makes the function call clearer and avoids confusion.


Concept Description
Parameter A variable inside the function definition
Argument The actual value passed to the function
Default Parameter A fallback value if no argument is given
Keyword Argument Specifies arguments by name for clarity

Now you're ready to use parameters and arguments like a Python pro! 


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