Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error


This error occurs because the structure of the mysql.proc table in your MySQL/MariaDB database does not match what is expected by SymmetricDS. This can happen due to a MariaDB version upgrade that was not accompanied by a database schema upgrade (mysql_upgrade).


  1. Run mysql_upgrade
    • Ensure that MariaDB/MySQL is running.
    • Execute the following command in the terminal or command prompt:
      mysql_upgrade -u root -p  
    • Enter the root password when prompted.
    • Restart the MariaDB service:
      systemctl restart mariadb  # For Linux with systemd  
      service mariadb restart     # For Linux without systemd  
      net stop mysql && net start mysql  # For Windows (if MariaDB is running as a service)  
  2. Check the MariaDB/MySQL Version
    • Run:
      mysql -u root -p -e "SELECT VERSION();"
    • Ensure that the installed version matches the one you were previously using.
  3. Check and Repair the mysql.proc Table Structure
    • Access MariaDB:
      mysql -u root -p  
    • Run the following commands:
      USE mysql;  
      CHECK TABLE proc;  
      REPAIR TABLE proc;  
    • Restart MariaDB afterward.
  4. Check the MariaDB Error Log
    If the issue persists, check the error log for additional details:
    • Linux: /var/log/mysql/error.log or /var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log
    • Windows: Check data\hostname.err in the MariaDB/MySQL installation folder.
  5. Reinstall or Downgrade if Necessary
    If none of the above steps work, consider downgrading or reinstalling MariaDB to ensure compatibility with SymmetricDS.


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