Strings and Their Manipulation - Rust


Strings in Rust: The Art of Text Handling 

Strings in Rust are a bit like treasure chests—sometimes lightweight and simple, other times powerful and full of hidden surprises. Rust provides two main ways to handle text: String slices (&str) and owned Strings (String). Let’s break it down!

1. String Slices (&str

A &str (string slice) is a reference to a sequence of characters stored in memory. These are fast, lightweight, and immutable by default.


fn main() {
    let greeting: &str = "Hello, Rustacean!";
    println!("{}", greeting);

Best used for fixed strings (like hardcoded text or function parameters).

2. Owned String (String

The String type is growable and mutable, meaning you can modify it freely.


fn main() {
    let mut message = String::from("Hello");
    message.push_str(", Rust!");
    println!("{}", message);

Best used when you need to modify or own the text.

3. Converting Between &str and String 

Need to switch between &str and String? No problem!

fn main() {
    let slice: &str = "Rust";
    let owned: String = slice.to_string();
    let back_to_slice: &str = &owned;
    println!("{}", back_to_slice);

4. String Manipulation Tricks 

Rust provides powerful methods to work with Strings.

a) Concatenation 

Using + operator or .push_str():

fn main() {
    let hello = String::from("Hello");
    let world = " World!";
    let result = hello + world;
    println!("{}", result);

b) Repeating Strings 

fn main() {
    let repeated = "Na ".repeat(5) + "Batman!";
    println!("{}", repeated);

c) Finding and Replacing 

fn main() {
    let sentence = String::from("I love Rust!");
    let new_sentence = sentence.replace("love", "adore");
    println!("{}", new_sentence);

d) Splitting Strings 

fn main() {
    let csv = "apple,banana,orange";
    for fruit in csv.split(',') {
        println!("{}", fruit);

e) Checking for Substrings 

fn main() {
    let text = "Rust is fast and safe!";
    if text.contains("fast") {
        println!("This text mentions speed!");

Wrapping Up 

Rust’s string handling might seem strict at first, but it ensures memory safety and efficiency. Whether you're working with lightweight &str or powerful String, you now have all the tools to master text manipulation in Rust! 

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