The ternary operator in JavaScript is like a shortcut for writing if-else
statements. It’s compact, efficient, and makes you feel like a coding ninja. But beware! Overusing it can make your code look like an encrypted message from outer space.
1. The Syntax
The ternary operator follows this structure:
condition ? expression_if_true : expression_if_false;
Think of it as JavaScript asking: "Is the condition true? If yes, do this. If not, do that."
2. Basic Example
let age = 20;
let canVote = age >= 18 ? "Yes, you can vote!" : "Nope, wait a few years!";
console.log(canVote); // "Yes, you can vote!"
Real-life analogy: It’s like your mom asking: "Did you clean your room?" If yes, you get ice cream. If no, you get the death stare 👀.
3. Nesting Ternary Operators (aka. Headache Mode)
You can nest ternary operators, but do it wisely, or your future self will cry trying to debug it.
let score = 85;
let grade = score >= 90 ? "A" : score >= 80 ? "B" : "C";
console.log(grade); // "B"
Real-life analogy: Deciding what to eat:
- If you have pizza, eat it.
- If no pizza but you have burgers, eat a burger.
- Otherwise, cry and eat instant noodles.
4. Using Ternary Operator for Shorter Code
Instead of:
let isLoggedIn;
if (user) {
isLoggedIn = "Welcome back!";
} else {
isLoggedIn = "Please log in.";
You can just do:
let isLoggedIn = user ? "Welcome back!" : "Please log in.";
Boom! Less code, same result.
5. Common Mistakes
5.1 Forgetting Readability
let message = isAdmin ? canEdit ? "You can edit" : "Read only" : "No access";
Your future self will look at this and go: "What was I thinking?!"
5.2 Using Ternary Instead of if-else When It’s Too Complex
let result = a > b ? a > c ? "A is largest" : "C is largest" : b > c ? "B is largest" : "C is largest";
if (a > b && a > c) {
result = "A is largest";
} else if (b > c) {
result = "B is largest";
} else {
result = "C is largest";
Keep it simple! Don’t make your ternary operator look like ancient hieroglyphics.
The ternary operator is a great tool for writing concise, readable code—when used properly. Just don’t go overboard, or your code will look like a puzzle only future archaeologists can decipher.