Rust Variables: The Good, the Immutable, and the Mutable
Alright, fellow Rustacean, let's talk about variables—those little containers that hold your precious data. Rust has some unique rules when it comes to variables, and trust me, they're here to keep your code safe and sound. So, grab your favorite beverage, and let's dive in!
1. Immutable by Default
In Rust, variables are immutable by default. This means once you assign a value, you can't change it. Try this:
fn main() {
let name = "Rustacean";
name = "Not Rustacean"; // ERROR: Cannot assign twice to immutable variable
println!("Hello, {}!", name);
Boom! Rust yells at you. But why? Because Rust believes in safety first—no accidental changes allowed!
2. Making Variables Mutable
If you do want to change a variable, just declare it with mut
fn main() {
let mut name = "Rustacean";
name = "Future Rust Guru";
println!("Hello, {}!", name);
Now Rust is happy, and so is your program!
Data Types: Rust’s Toolbox of Awesomeness
Rust is a statically typed language, meaning every variable must have a specific type. But don't worry—Rust is also super smart and can infer types automatically!
1. Integer Types
Rust provides different integer types, both signed (i
) and unsigned (u
fn main() {
let small: u8 = 255;
let big: i64 = -99999;
println!("Small: {}, Big: {}", small, big);
2. Floating-Point Numbers
For decimals, Rust has f32
and f64
fn main() {
let pi: f64 = 3.14159;
println!("Pi is approximately {}", pi);
3. Boolean (True or False)
Boolean values are simple:
fn main() {
let is_rust_fun: bool = true;
println!("Is Rust fun? {}", is_rust_fun);
4. Characters
Rust supports Unicode characters, not just ASCII:
fn main() {
let emoji: char = '🦀';
println!("Favorite programming language mascot: {}", emoji);
5. Strings
Rust has two types of strings:
→ Immutable string slices (fast & lightweight!)String
→ Owned, growable heap-allocated string
fn main() {
let slice: &str = "Hello";
let mut full_string: String = String::from("Rust");
full_string.push_str(" is awesome!");
println!("{}", full_string);
6. Arrays and Tuples
Arrays (Fixed-size, same type)
fn main() {
let numbers: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
println!("First number: {}", numbers[0]);
Tuples (Fixed-size, mixed types)
fn main() {
let person: (&str, i32) = ("Alice", 30);
println!("Name: {}, Age: {}", person.0, person.1);
Wrapping Up
Rust's variable rules and data types might seem strict at first, but they help prevent bugs and make your code more reliable. Now that you’ve got a solid grasp of Rust variables and data types, go forth and write some awesome Rust code!